inc GST ex GST
Browse Certified Used Equipment
The best brands at better prices
With SilverChef Certified Used, you can get the most trusted brands at lower prices, in great condition and often less than 18 months old.
Quality assured
All of SilverChef's used equipment is professionally refurbished, cleaned and polished, and any damaged or worn parts are replaced and run-tested.
Warranty included
For added peace of mind, SilverChef's entire Certified Used equipment range comes with a warranty - so you can shop with confidence.
Choose to purchase, rent or lease
As well as the ability to purchase equipment outright, you can also choose to explore SilverChef's flexible finance options; Rent-Try-Buy® or Lease-to-Keep®.
Confidence in their range
SilverChef only stock equipment that has been previously financed by them. This means complete transparency and confidence in their range.